Discovering Frontignan, also known as Frontignan-la-Peyrade

Take advantage of your stay at the Altéa campsite to discover the town of Frontignan, located between the Mediterranean Sea, the Gardiole hills, and the vineyards. Put on your swimsuit and head to the beach to enjoy the excellent quality bathing water, or take a stroll through the heart of the town to discover its medieval past. Don't leave without tasting the local specialties, the famous Muscat wine* and tapenade, which you'll certainly want to take home in your luggage.

Frontignan, beachside and townside

A long strip of sand stretching 7 kilometers offers bathing enthusiasts a clear horizon over the blue and transparent sea and a very pleasant promenade area. The gently sloping beaches are perfect for families with children, and some are accessible to people with reduced mobility. You'll always find company for an impromptu game of paddleball or a beach volleyball match, unless you prefer to dive into the latest novel by your favorite author. On the water, try paddleboarding for a peaceful ride or book a jet ski for some thrilling sensations.

If you're interested in learning more about Frontignan's medieval past, head to the city center and wander its alleys around the town hall and its Gothic belfry. Right next door, don't miss the Baltard-style covered market halls with their characteristic metal framework of this architect's work. Completely renovated, they host numerous merchants offering delicious local products.


Frontignan and its vineyards

Another local specialty is Muscat, a unique grape variety that gives its best under the Languedoc sun. To discover whether you prefer traditional cuvée Muscat, a sweet and mellow wine, dry Muscat, sparkling Muscat, or even fortified wine*, stop by one of the estates that organize tastings and let your taste buds guide you. You'll also find regional products in the shops, such as olive oils, tapenades, and terrines to bring back to the campsite for appetizers with Mediterranean flavors.

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